Friday 23 August 2024

Thank You Irena for last night’s wonderful workshop - the first event of the Bridgnorth Music and Arts Festival 2024

credit: Astrid Knudsen

 Thank You Irena
You did the ‘Write Thing’. Inspired
Us to find our voice.

You said each of us
Has a valid, unique voice
And helped us hear it.

Don’t know how to start?
You showed us how to begin,
By pleasing oneself.

There’s no one ‘right way’.
Remember people, places;
What’s made up your lot

And write from your life
However and wherever
You find that takes you.

It’s your voice, your soul
Oft hidden, oft suppressed, yet
Enduring, unquenched.

Just begin writing.
Beginning, middle or end
Disguised or pure truth

Your essence, your voice,
Will emerge from the depths of
Your being - YOUR life.

If you want to begin your writing journey, to find your voice, you are welcome to join the Hightown Writers who meet on the fourth Tuesday of every month, at 7pm in The Spirit Room of Peepo’s restaurant.
The next meeting is Tuesday 27th August.


Irena Szirtes said...

😍😍😍😍😍 what fabulous comments! Many thanks 😍

Irena Szirtes said...
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Irena Szirtes said...

Get writing all you Do the Write Thing People πŸ™‚ 😍😍😍

Jennie said...

Thank you very much Irena for being so positive and encouraging. You have made writing seem possible for all of us because knowing that everyone’s voice is unique to themselves, is the truth we should all have realised . You have strengthened that idea for me and I shall try to always remember it.

Irena Szirtes said...

So happy to hear that! We all need reminding at times. Thankyou for your lovely comment Jennie 😍😍😍