Thursday 8 August 2024

The Horseshoe Pool by Elizabeth Henry

illustration: Delphine Jones

 I sometimes stroll beside the pool

Where once, when young and trim,

I let the water beckon me

To paddle, float and swim.


I ponder hot and limpid days,

‘Neath crests of beryl blue,

Cavorting on the soggy bank

With little else to do …


My dress abandoned on the grass,

Beside a wooden shack;

A rowing boat that lightly jounced

Upon a stolid lap;


The squelch of mud betwixt my toes;

A chronic buzz of pests;

A gallant dive, with breath held tight

And legs against my chest;


The swoosh of leaves that rocked and swayed

And quivered in the sky,

Enchanting and bewitching me,

Whilst on my back I’d lie;


The calling of the nightingale,

The cuckoo and the thrush;

The peace and sheer placidity,

Away from stress and rush.


Then in a burst, abrupt and brisk,

My wistful daydream ends,

For standing, calling out to me,

Are three of my best friends.


Ann Reader said...

Lovely imagery

Irena Szirtes said...

This took me right back to my own childhood. Magic memories! 😍