Friday, 27 December 2024

We Can Follow That Star - A Carol by Sue Akande

  This piece of writing first appeared on the blog in December 2020. 

The Three Magi by John Bowler

Three Magi saw something diff'rent that night.
Glimmering bright,
A guiding light.
Overjoyed and inspired by what this could mean,
They followed that star.

Oh how wonderful, that those men from afar,
Followed that star.

To Bethlehem the star lit their way,
And there in the hay,
A baby lay.
In homage they gave their gifts to the Prince.
Of God, Frankincense and Myrrh.

Oh how wonderful, that those men from afar,
Followed that star.

The babe was a gift to all humankind.
A love divine,
Yours and mine.
Bringing peace and joy to all the world,
Beneath that Bethlehem star.

Oh how wonderful, that those men from afar,
Followed that star.
And how wonderful,
That wherever we are,
Whoever we are, 
We can follow that star.


Irena Szirtes said...

This reads like a traditional carol 😊 I love to hear and sing carols, both English and Polish, during the Christmas period. It's good to get focused away from the hype and commercialism.

Jennie said...

This is beautifully composed and I would love to hear it sung. I have been learning a jazz version recently, on the piano of We 3 Kings.

Anonymous said...

Thank you both for your comments- l wrote it for our church choir to sing. 😊