Friday, 17 January 2025

Song for the Children of Gaza by Ann Reader

credit: dailysabah:UNICEF 

You believe in your God you say he is right

You say he has told you that you have to fight

With God on your side and all of his might

Do you need to kill the children?

Did he tell you to kill the children

Injure and starve the children?

Did he really say kill the children?

What kind of God kills children?

Do you think where they land when you let the bombs fall?

Are you doing God’s will? Did you answer a call

When you set out to displace them all?

Did he tell you to kill the children

Did he tell you to kill the children

Injure and starve the children?

Did he really say kill the children?

What kind of God kills children?

Do you still see the sight when you can’t sleep at night?

Of those little broken bodies in the mud

Is it their screams, you hear in your

Telling you that what you do’s not good

The ones that you kill have a God too

They’re ordinary people no different to you

No God can condone the things that you do

There’s no God would tell you kill the children

Did he tell you to kill the children?

Did he really say kill the children?

Did he tell you to kill the children?

What kind of God kills children?

Surely there is no God

 No God that would tell you

No God that would say kill

The children.


Liz said...

And in this case their God, is your God, is my God - one Abrahamic God worshipped by Jews, Christians and Muslims alike. Only the pharaoh Moses served, and, centuries later, King Herod killed babies - and those were political acts not religious - a bit like today - political not religious. Nowhere does God condone killing children. A powerful song Ann. Let's hope that peace prevails from now on.

Sue said...

Thank you for writing and posting this Ann. It is a heart-breaking song and expresses the horror of what has been happening.

Irena Szirtes said...

This powerful and from the heart ... it is profoundly moving 😢

Jennie said...

A cry from the heart Ann, so profound. Children are being are being every minute of the day and no nation seems to care. We supply weapons with the knowledge they will be used indiscriminately. It’s a frightening world but always has been.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, should say ‘children are being killed every minute of the day’