Saturday, 15 February 2025

Foolish Valentine by Elizabeth Obadina

In the Hightown Writers Workshop we often begin our meetings with a 'word maze' exercise.  In this particular meeting we had to make what we would from the words:  slushy, precipice, delectable, cloud and juicy. 

Foolish Valentine

Delectable Delilah was what Jonas had always called Deidre, the buxom barmaid of the Crown and Anchor where Jenny and Jonas met up each evening after work. Its cosy half timbered inglenooks and two roaring fires provided shelter these dismal February evenings: shelter from the grey clouds, the grey slush and the grey buildings which lowered like granite precipices on both sides of the street. The cheerful pub also provided shelter from the juicy gossip mill of the office.

Jenny had recruited Jonas as her assistant to ease her workload as her department grew from strength to strength. She wanted her Man Friday and he had become all that - and more.

Tonight was 14th February, the day for lovers. Jonas had ‘magicked’ a bouquet of red roses for Jenny as they sat down for their evening drink and Jenny felt an unfamiliar frisson of anticipation. She was flattered, a little grateful and a little surprised, but not unprepared. In her case was a little something for Jonas. She reached for it but as she bent forward she caught an unmistakable look of love exchange between Delectable Delilah and Jonas.

No fool like an old fool thought Jenny and left the little something where it lay. No wonder Jonas always insisted she left for home first … to avoid gossip he said.

No wonder …

3rd February 2015


Jennie said...

You must have written this before I joined Liz, I like it a lot. It’s complete in Itself but ideally, I want her to fight her corner! Can we have a sequel?!

Jennie said...

By ‘her’, I mean Jenny. That’s what I would do!

Liz said...

Hmmm ... ten years further on; maybe I should tell Jenny's story and her success or lack of it with younger lovers!!

Irena Szirtes said...

It always amazes me what everyone comes up with on the spot, and with the constraints of a word maze!